10% off your monthly billing invoice for referring a medical billing services client
Phone: 469-840-2672
10% off your monthly billing invoice for referring a medical billing services client
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
Same Day Claims Processing using Clear RCM billing service precise method for claims management
Daily ERA Posting and $0.00 Paid Line Item Denial Management
CCI level 1 & level 2 Claim Scrubbing using Clear RCM Billing Service Denial Manager
5-7 Day Payment Turnaround
12 Day average "Days in A/R"
Clear RCM Billing Service and the right Clearinghouse can make the difference
1st and 2nd level Appeals and Corrective Claims Processing - Clear RCM Billing Service can help you stay on top of your A/R
Complete A/R Management (all claims worked every 30 days from DOS - Clear RCM Billing Service can stabilize your cash flow.
Clear RCM Billing Service will retrieve the Patients eligibility & Benefit file for you to review before the appointment
Built in Credit Card Processing in many EHR
Monthly "Autopay" Payment Programs (Credit Card on File)
Electronic Statement Processing (Email or Portal)
Online Patient Payments
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